
目前顯示的是 11月, 2018的文章

What to Do If You Hate Small Talk


Olga Scheps playing the "Heliconia"-piano by Steinway & Sons and Lalique


quantum theory

Quantum theory is the most complicate & most realistic ever in our time. not only because it so shock, but it so real. Hinduism remit us that universal are connect time & space all together. what it really means is past, present & future are connect with each other. and exist at the same time & same space. traditionally we know that situation nowadays are result from the past. now the theory proved that behavior nowadays can also affect past. interaction to each other is the basic rule of universal.   that means we should never give up. possibility is somewhere, as long as we insist until last moment. 

health value

after getting old little by little, we found that health is so important that it means everything for life. many people pass away before 60, while others living until 90 or even 100. that means they have double life or even third life. according to the formula of accumulation. our knowledge & wisdom can upgrade very rapidly after long period of intersection. the time & energy we invest into health just like the money & technique we involve into business.  money can rebirth another money because interest growing up. while health improve by clean the precipitation of vein & artery, and strong the function of muscle and heart & lung. After 50 or 60, it time to withdraw the investment of health. when our eyesight are clear enough to read or appreciate environment. our listening comprehension is good enough to music & nature voice. and our body is strong enough to walk & hiking, and even travel for a long distance without any difficulty. so we really enjoy ...

living for working

most people know that we are working for living, yet when we invest so much energy & time on our job or occupation. now the reality become we living for working where we like it or not! how pity a human being can be! originally we just do something to support our dream & search our future. little by little, because we didn't reach our goal, yet we involve into  our job so much, that this job become our career & destiny of life. 80% of people doesn't like their job, but they have to do something to feed themselves. so, dream gone far away & nightmare come true. Hash & Bash lifestyle makes us no time & energy to figure out what exactly we want in our life. year after year , decade after decade, we getting old than we found that we already waste our life!   After industry revolution, human suppose to  taking back the authority of life decision. but only few people really understand what exactly they are doing for. that is why evolution is so...

范疇演講錄 — 台灣四問(新版全集)


before Buddhism

Buddha not only resolution our mind, but our world. but his concept is so  difficult to understand that most people mislead by his speech. before knowing what Buddha really said, at last knowing what Buddha really was first. Buddha is a real prince and the future kind. so he own much more than he need. after he get boring from too much. he encounter with real world which more attract to him than palace and luxury life. so he give up everything to chase his dream!  this is most difficult for people to understand why? from the viewpoint of physiology, only when too much can be abandon, not anymore. but only few people ever touch the point of too much, so they misunderstand the meaning of throw away. How can we give up something that we don't have? that is impossible, but many people think they can make it. because they never give up, so they don't understand what Buddha really means! The theory of Buddha is only for rich or success, not for normal guy! Buddha are trying...

from being touch

just last weekend, an oven fixer giving excellent service yet free charge. such behavior really touch me and makes me feel very good. there is a though come to mind that, if only many people treat me this way, how can I frustrate or sad about life? most act & react create this world. because only few people treat others will that makes tragedy everywhere. the point of touch heart technique is surprise. as long as I can treat people like relative or close friends. everything will going fine.  on the other hand when people treat me bad, I have to bear in mind that side effect as less as possible from this negative experience.  just like math calculate , more positive attitude more active reaction. more negative energy more pessimistic concept. so I need to remind myself that any thing happen from outside world can only be judge by me, where it good or bad, only depend upon my decision. this is the attitude of inspection. looking inside to better understand how emotion fun...


After selection we know very well that the policy of obscurantism function very will in Taiwan, since the time of No1 emperor of Chin dynasty . and this is the destiny of oriental society. The behavior of "burn book & bury scholar alive"doesn't reach it goal. second step is demolish all the topic but Confucius during Han dynasty. yet it didn't function very will either. until the time of Tong dynasty, the system of civil service examination was establish. intelligent people who want to success ,have no choice but follow up  the schedule of government filter institute to walking up step by step. To exhaust people's energy & spirit, so government can easy control country without any resist or argument. this is the purpose of Obscurantism .they feed financial policy & physics feedback to satisfy people's demand .just 3 or 5 years later. communist can come to harvest the result of these group of livestock. this is a cruel situation but reality. like...

Beethoven Silence


Don't find a job, find a mission | Celeste Headlee | TEDxAugusta


Decoding the Gita, India's book of answers | Roopa Pai | TEDxNMIMSBangalore


Why Indians say Americans are doing yoga wrong


Film "History of Yoga" - 44 mins


The Science Of Yoga




Bhagavad Gita made easy - Part 1/3


腦力犯中 范疇之中南海學 (下)


腦力犯中 范疇之中南海學 (中)


范疇之中南海學(上).Jul 2018








【习皇帝盖棺论定? 范畴: 2022年成关键节点】3/4 #海峡论谈 #精彩点评


與習近平聊天是雞同鴨講? 從被綁架的兩岸看見強國的自傲|腦力犯中#5






「沒有市場,只有黨場」從馬雲、李嘉誠大逃亡 看見的中國噩夢竟是?|腦力犯中#3


「沒有市場,只有黨場」從馬雲、李嘉誠大逃亡 看見的中國噩夢竟是?|腦力犯中#3



這是目前最熱門也眾說紛云的議題.  大家都確定有一些工作會被取代.  也肯定會造成巨大變動.  只是多少取代與多大變動看法不同而已.  然而極端可能的是.  跟科幻電影演得差不多的情節.  極端聳動. [創意思考]是爭論焦點.  只要具備這個特質就不會被取代.  可是圍棋就打破這個框架.  首先.  圍棋是無限的.  他有無窮無盡的走法.  就是無窮大.  另一方面.  圍棋也毫無策略可言.  高手只是憑感覺靠經驗勝出.  並無公式可循.  在這兩個極端條件下.  電腦勝過人腦.  所以早先以為的創意與思考.  根本就不是電腦與人腦的界線. 現在的人型娃娃除了有一點不夠真實以外.  99%已經完全跟真人一樣.  假以時日100%並不難.  針對男人的視覺與女人的觸覺.  如果他們能夠滿足男人需求.  符合女人慾望.  那麼"性"的地位將無限沉淪.  不見天日.  連最古老的行業都即將消失.  還有甚麼不能改變的呢? 對人類的失望.  除了表面的理由.  自私而且易錯以外.  溝通之難幾乎打敗所有高手.  因為七情六慾的錯綜複雜.  不用手段或技巧根本很難說服一個人.  造勢與欺騙是最常使用的套路.  可是面對情感與心理問題的時候.  比起商業客戶或普羅大眾更多了一層深度與細膩的考量.  威脅利誘可以繼續使用.  但是賞味期很短.  這所以會有那句話.  錢不是萬能的.  在面對底線深邃的情感階段.  非得真情付出.  否則不足以成事. 太監能夠得寵是因為他們沒有退路.  連大便都得吃下去.  所以可以做到無微不至.  今天的大數據可以把億兆級的資料融會貫通.  從呼吸心跳.  溫度汗水.  眼色肢體.  角質型態.  所有大腦神經學的細節....

How we'll earn money in a future without jobs | Martin Ford








谁是郭文贵 /Who is Miles Kwok —献礼11月20日王健发布会系列视频之一



中行明急中生智寫下易經.  范蠡看得出勾踐難以共享.  尉寮明白贏政又狹又狂.  諸葛亮可以借東風.  古代人真的很神奇. 百家姓只限貴族.  平民連名字都沒有.  同樣的.  讀書跟學問也是如此區隔.  古代的學習是全面性的.  天.地.人.事.物.  所有世間的一切都必須學.  也都要懂.  不只是射御禮樂書數.  可是孔子教那麼多學生.  也只能從權.  像老子或鬼谷子.  應該確有其人.  否則剛剛那些人物不會那麼神. 學門科目的劃分是非常久遠以後的事情.  李世明為了用科舉來箝制人才.  所以讀書考試變成了一種愚民政策.  風水. 面相.  測字.  推演...所有的學問不只前後相連關係密切.  甚至表裡陰陽.  互通互補.  但這些關聯都被政治切斷.  這些智慧都被制度隔離.  需要真正的高手將其縫合填補. 學問原本沒有界線也沒有區隔.  就像古老的宇宙是由一顆原子爆炸形成.  榮格的集體潛意識.  哲學的萬源歸宗.  所有的不同與差異都是後來的幻化跟變形.  本質不變.  根本依舊.  花花世界萬紫千紅.  都是一時的表象.  爭奇鬥艷眼花撩亂.  全是造化的面具. 單純簡潔.  生命怕無聊.  透徹清明.  時間沒意義.  所有的創造跟發展.  都是宇宙向前必然的浪費.  發散能量最有效率的方法.  就是先規律聚攏.  堆高密集.  向原子彈一樣.  完全聚焦造成徹底破壞.  也就是生命的法則. 從今而後我們應該向內.  向簡.  向無前進.  畢竟時間體力都沒有很多.  一直浪費在捕風捉影.  揣測猜疑之中.  在旁枝末節.  真實之外求取.  除了浪費生命.  還能有其...


好久不見的一位老朋友.  雖然不是意氣風發. 飛揚得意.  但是他忠實的呈現自己. 做自己的自在與坦然.  卻讓人不由得喜歡上他.  東方人長久不敢做自己.  其實就是信心的問題. 信心其實是一種生命指標.  他是所有的言行舉止.  行住坐臥的總整理.  完全表現.  尤其是患得患失的思想.  左右了我們生命的品質.  為五斗米折腰.  折的豈止是腰.  整個人不趴下去行嗎?  物競天擇的壓力讓絕大多數人.  終其一生忍氣吞聲.  苟延殘喘.  低聲下氣.  看人臉色...而糟蹋了得來不易的人身. 我們不一定要高高在上.  也未必得春風得意.  可是做自己卻是對於做一個人的基本要求.  看到那麼多人糟蹋自己.  委屈自己.  甚至踐踏自己.  這麼對生命的不尊重.  不謹慎.  忍不住要自我審查一番.  我對得起自己嗎? 能夠成大功.  立大業或許是命吧!  但是過自己的日子.  坦然忠誠的面對自己.  應該是所有足以身為人類的我們的天賦人權吧!  可是真誠的人那麼罕見.  應該是社會出問題!  不管社會如何.  環境有多惡劣.  成為自己依舊是人類責無旁貸的本質.  否則我們如何敢說.  自己跟其他動物有任何區別呢?  不只是覺醒.  也要夠敏銳.  當逆境與挫折迎面而來的時候.  我們警覺.  不卑不亢.  從容以對.  這就是成為自己.  最基本也最重要的開始. 當"自我"開始受到傷害的時候.  警戒系統要馬上啟動.  防禦機制必須立即反映.  這種情境是可以提升戰鬥力?  還是會挫傷自我形象?  如果是前者就要腎上腺素簇擁.  全力以赴.  堅持到底.  要是後者就得設想退路.  規劃轉進策略. ...



Crisis & Opportunity

Middle aged mostly encounter frustrate & challenge at the same time. so people thinks that they are unlucky to presence in this moment & this place.  on the other hand, maybe Middle aged is the most lucky guy in the world, why? Just several  decade ago. lifespan in average only 50-60. but recently it upgrade to almost 80. that means we earn almost extra 20 years lifespan. furthermore.  we have better quality of life, nutrition & environment all together. so we don't need to work so hard ,so difficult like our ancestor. this makes our health & mind post in better condition. most people are not so lucky to have rich family or educated parents. but when we reach middle aged, that means we earn some money & accumulate some fortune as well. those shortage interfere us for long period time are not exist anymore. so we overcome regret with long time hard working. fortunately we still young & energetic. that means we can have second life from now on. wi...

Haydn - The Cello Concertos (recording of the Century : Mstislav Rostrop...


Why I read a book a day (and why you should too): the law of 33% | Tai L...


The Law of Attraction Explained


Frédéric Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1 e-minor (Olga Scheps live)


Hauser & Lana Trotovsek - J. S. Bach: Erbarme Dich, Mein Gott (St. Matth...
